The DURIT Group's strategy focuses on sustainability, with a focus on the environment and respect for nature, as well as on people and business growth.
As a major consumer of electricity, it has reinforced its commitment to sustainability with the installation of an integrated photovoltaic production unit (UPAC) that extends to all the Group's companies. In convergence with decarbonization, it is gradually replacing its fleet of fossil fuel vehicles with electric vehicles.

Electricity production for self-consumption
As unidades industriais do Grupo, consomem anualmente mais de 26.000 MWh de energia elétrica, com um custo associado superior a 1,5M€. Com a nova unidade fotovoltaica, o Grupo DURIT tem uma potência total de 2MWp, produzindo energia através de 3.700 painéis instalados na cobertura de edifícios, em sistema de “carpark” e no solo.
This investment will enable the annual production of around 5,200MWh and the reduction of average energy consumption by around 20%, equivalent to the reduction of more than 5Tons of CO2.

The energy production operation is equivalent to emitting 5541 fewer tons of carbon dioxide per year, corresponding to the CO2 captured by 25,034 trees.

Electric Mobility
In terms of mobility, the group has gradually increased its fleet of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids, which now account for more than 20% of all vehicles in the group's fleet, with the consequent expansion of the network of EV chargers in the companies.